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   SSgt Karl G. Taylor, Sr. Detachment 1084

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For more historical photos, see the Golf Tournament Page and the Scholarship Page.

Meeting minutes for 2010

From black Friday, November 26, 2010 to December 21, 2010, several volunteers from our detachment helped collect toys for the annual U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys-for-Tots toy drive. These toys were later distributed as Christmas gifts to needy children in the community. This successful campaign resulted in over 400 toys being collected on the first day and over 5000 collected in total! Participants included Bill Pastino, Mike Betts, Kevin Oliver, Frank "Kip" Kippenbrock, Danny Rotondo, Sam Stein, DJ, Curtis Atkins, Jim Lopez, and Bill Brooks. Special thanks to the Toys-R-Us at 6231 Columbia Crossing Drive, Columbia, Maryland 21045 for allow us to set up base.

Getting help from a tot.
        Max and Curtis holding sign
Now that's a LOT of toys.
        Tough looking guy and Curtis
Not a toy, but the real deal.
        A big Hot Wheel
Jim Lopez, Mike Betts, and Kevin in red.
        Men in Red

  Christmas Holiday Party
On Saturday, December 18, 2010, Frank "Kip" Kippenbrock and Curtis Atkins led the detachment Christmas holiday party at the Jessup VFW. They served ham, fried chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans, corn, rolls with butter, salad, and dessert...all for a mere $10 per person. Along with dinner was music, dancing, and mingling with good company.

  Ellicott Mills Brewing Company Marine Corps Birthday Celebration
On Sunday, November 14, 2010, members from our detachment participated in the Marine Corps birthday celebration at Ellicott Mills Brewing Company in Historic Ellicott City. This fine event was organized by Bill Pastino.

Bill Pastino, Danny Rotondo, and Curtis Atkins serve chow to hungry vets.
        Serving chow

On Saturday, October 23, 2010, several of us met at the Jessup VFW pavillion to partake in fine German food, fun, and friendship. We even got to see Mike Betts in an old German spike helmet. Danny Rotondo organized this event.

  Department of Pennsylvania Annual Keystone Rifle MatchThis is my rifle.  There are many like it but this one is mine.
September 24-26, 2010 was the 31st year for MCL Department of Pennsylvania to host their annual rifle match. The match took place at Fort Indian Town Gap. Six members of our detachment attended this match. The weather was great and everyone had a great time. Our members did a great job of shooting and got some pretty decent scores. Everyone returned home without any additional holes!
        Got it made in the shade
Not much to look at but they sure can shoot! Sometimes they even hit what they're aiming at.
        No beauty contest winners here

  Gun Show
On September 18-19, 2010, our detachment set up a table at a gun show to sell raffle tickets and recruit new members. Jim, Mike, Stan, Joe, and Danny manned the tables and helped look for a few good men (and women). Money raised from this event was donated to the Marines Helping Wounded Marines Program.
        Manning the table at the gun show

  Project Healing Waters
On July 24, 2010, our detachment participated in Project Healing Waters. The goal of this program is to provide members of the Wounded Warrior Program with an enjoyable day out. Fly fishing was offered and equipment provided. Many of the wounded at Walter Reed are suffering from concussions in addition to other more visible wounds. Virtually all of them are on some form of medication which can adversely impact their balance, so all hands were asked to keep an eye out. They sought to have as "normal" a day as they possibly could to momentarily forget the rigors of their recuperation and physical therapy. In addition to helping these wounded warriors get around, Joe Roman, Stan Brosky, Mike Betts, Chuck Casey, Dale Hornberger, Danny Rotondo, and Curt Atkins assisted with the fishing and cooking of lunch.

Some folks got around via kayak. Others preferrred the slower paddle boats.
        Out in the kayak
A day of fishing wouldn't be complete without at least one fish being caught.
        That's a keeper!
Amphibious landing in progress.
        Amphibious landing craft

  Department of Pennsylvania Annual Service Pistol Match
The Department of Pennsylvania Annual Service Pistol Match took place from June 4 to 6, 2010 at Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania.

  New members
On April 27, 2010 two new members were introduced. William C. Swain is a former Marine armorer who was sworn in as a regular member. Michael E. Siemasko is a non-veteran who was accepted as an associate member. We hope to see much more of them in the future.
        Siemasko and Swain

  Basket Bingo
On April 11, 2010, Senior Vice Commandant Stan Brosky organized a basket bingo event at the Elk's Club in Laurel. This was the detachment's major fundraiser of the year. A significant part of the money raised at this event went to support our wounded warriors at Bethesda and Walter Reed hospitals.

Several active duty Marines showed up to assist with the event. They were recognized with certificates of appreciation at our April 27, 2010 meeting.
        Every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man

  Marine Cause
Our own Curtis Atkins had a chance to meet a living legend...R. Lee Ermey. This once in a lifetime opportunity arose at a Marine Corps Identity Cause event.
        I can't hear you!!!
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©2003 Marine Corps League, SSgt Karl G. Taylor, Sr. Detachment 1084